Sunday, September 12, 2010

Finding her way.

She’s searching to find that place she can call home. Where she can strive to be herself in this absolutely crazy life of hers. She wants to find someone that will take her as she is, who will love her even with her flaws. She wants to be accepted. She wants to find love in the deepest parts of her heart. She desires to travel this beautiful world.

She’s venturing out on a path that she’s not taking with anyone, and the people that will be there at the finish line, they’ll be her forever loves. She’s experienced her many heartaches, and found out what trusting someone feels like. She’s been challenged, and she’s found her first love again in God.

This is a crazy, authentic, beautiful, lovely, adventurous, witty, sometimes moody, and always trying to find her way kind of girl. She’s not content in being in a place for very long, she likes adventure, and road trips. She believes in love at first sight, and sees beauty in people’s love stories. This is a girl that doesn’t say, “no” to a life that’s full of adventure, and has some of the craziest dreams.

She’s fallen many times in her life, and made the wrong choices, but she knows it’s all leading up to the grand finale God has for her. She longs for a winter romance.

This girl, she’s keeping her heart guarded. She’s not letting it go so easily anymore, but she knows there will come a time when it’ll be hard to keep it hidden, because this girl…Well, she’s going to be in love someday. It’s going to be crazy, and fun, and lovely, and blissful. It’s going to be an adventure in itself.

…I’m going to find my place in this world. I’m not letting anyone stop me, because this is the journey where I’ll find myself.

There will be nights of going to my Heavenly Daddy, and asking for advice. It’s just going to be me and Him for a while. This is going to be an overwhelming, but always beautiful tale God is leading me on.

I’m ready.
